Industry Solutions

Real Estate

It is our goal at Streamlined Business Solutions to encourage you to run your business, like a business - no matter what industry you're in!  Our bread & butter is the industry of Real Estate.  If you're a Single Agent, Team, Investor or Partner - take the time to find out how our reporting tools have helped over 1,000+ clients across the nation just like you!


While your job may bring unforeseen circumstances behind every corner, be confident your finances are being managed by a team who understands this industry. With a comprehension in third party softwares such as ISN and Spectora, let our team ensure there are no hidden surprises for your business.


Whether you are wholesaling a property, purchasing and flipping, or investing cash as a Hard Money loan - it is important to understand EVERY PENNY with the transaction.  Our team cross-references the closing statements (HUDs) and other materials to ensure that the financial statements are accurate.

Medical & Dental

Doctors and Dentists have a number of unique bookkeeping challenges and requirements.  Streamlined Business Solutions can provide you with specific monthly reports to help you to understand your financials so you can focus on doing what you do best, taking care of your patients.

Coaching and Small Service Based Companies

Unless you are a bookkeeper or a fan of working with numbers, bookkeeping is probably not your favorite task however adopting good habits early can help you avoid costly errors when it comes to record keeping.  Streamlined Business Solutions offers a Team of Bookkeepers with knowledge in all types of accounting and many different industries. Let us help tailor reports specific to your needs.

Buy and Holds

Many clients choose to purchase and hold their properties, while building a Rental Portfolio.  Whether self-managed, or managed by a Property Manager - it is important to understand the true profitability of each property.  Our platform provides financial reports that are tax ready and compliant! Just because the Rent Payment covers the Mortgage payment, it doesn't mean the property is profitable.


If you have ever desired to run your household like a business, this is a great way to start.  Our financial reports will provide you with an accurate month-over-month income statement tracking your W2 Wage, K-1 Income and other sources.  It will also provide insight into your spending habits. Know where EVERY dollar was spent! Furthermore, if you ever wanted to know your net worth - we accurately track your Balance Sheet to provide insight into Cash Assets, Stocks, Rental Portfolio's and any liabilities associated with them.

Are you ready to get started?